Knitting and Ripping

On Friday morning, I grabbed the project bag that has housed this Pressed Flowers Shawl for at least a year with the thought that it would be a great car knitting project. I have not felt like knitting on it for some time, but I do enjoy the actual knitting of it. I am also anxious to finish it so I can wear it. Anyhow, about 1 hour in to our drive, I pulled the shawl out of the bag to find two fatal flaws: The project was on a cord, but there were no needle tips and I didn’t have the chart. Sigh. No knitting for me.

Back at home on Sunday night, I printed out the pattern and joined the needle tips to the cord. Then I started knitting. After a few rows, it was obvious that I wasn’t doing something right. The chart is tiny and hard to read (and let’s not mention how I need to up the magnification of my readers. Ahem.). I then ripped it out and started again. After a few episodes of Bad Sisters (so good!), I put it down for the night and went to bed.

Fast forward to Monday afternoon….I picked it up, knit a bit more and, again, realized I was doing something wrong. Grrr. Rip rip rip. Start again. Got on track and then purled a whole row that should have been knitted. Yes, more ripping.

I do think I’ve got it now. I reprinted the chart at 150%, which helped. I’ll find out for sure later today when I pick it up again.

(The quilt is one of my favorite makes ever. The pattern is Halloween Haberdashery by my friend Melissa Mortenson. It’s a fun sew!)

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